Monday, August 9, 2010

Sonnet 4 - Meaning

Wasteful beauty, why do you spend
All of your talents on yourself?
Nature does not give her gifts for the keeping, but lends them for a short while
And because is liberal with her gifts, she doesnt even charge for her services.
Then, beautiful stingy guy, why do you misuse
The plentiful gift, that was given in hopes you would share it?
Moneylender who does not gain anything from it, why do you
Spend so much money, and have nothing left to live on?
For spending only on yourself
You do cheat yourself.
Then how when it is your time to die,
What reasonable final account can you leave?
Your wasted beauty will die with you
Which if you had used it, would have taken care of all your posthumous affairs.

Money equals masturbation. Usury, legacy, audit, spending, lending.

Disagree with me? These are the procreation sonnets. They are about procreation. If you thought they were about banking you belong in another field. My research finds that scholars have missed this metaphor, possibly purposefully. I am no genius, but perhaps I am more willing to admit truth than others.

Money = masturbation.

Thats what this poem is about. Is there anything else in the world? Apparently not. After all, if you have money and a dominant hand to pleasure yourself with, you are pretty much set. The youth apparently thought so. Shakespeare tries to sway him from this lifestyle.

Money = Masturbation.

He SPENDS on himself. Get it? He TRAFFIKS WITH HIMSELF ALONE... come ON!

In Sonnet 4, Shakepeare has made a metaphor equating usury to prostitution, with carefully chosen key words.


The profession of usury = The profession of sex

Usurer = Prostitute (this is especially important later)

Money = Sperm

Read it again.

Unthrifty lovelinesse why dost thou spend,
Upon thy self thy beauties legacy?

Unthrifty loveliness (wasteful with beautiful money/sperm), why do you spend, meaning (according to my Lexicon): afford, bestow, lend, employ. Employ? How does one EMPLOY his loveliness upon himself? Its subtle and clear. Employ, meaning "to make use of" your "beauty's legacy." What else is beauty's legacy except sperm? These two words are the key to the masturbation metaphor. He spends his good genes upon himself and wastes them.

Natures bequest gives nothing but doth lend,
And being franck she lends to those are free:
Then beautious niggard why doost thou abuse,
The bountious largesse given thee to give?

A "bequest" is simply a legacy or a disposition in a will. NATURE'S bequest implies that which the man inherited freely from nature; his godgiven talents, which is apparently a ridiculous abundance of beauty. Unlike a great sum of money inherited from a deceased grandfather, Nature does not give these "bequests" to keep or put in the bank, but lends them, for a terminal amount of time. Shakespeare is reminding the youth of the ubiquitous idea that beauty fades. (See every other sonnet in the list.) Imagine that mother nature has given you a disgusting amount of money in her will, with the understanding that the money that is not saved, shared, used to buy a house, travel or given to charity would be taken away in say fortie winters. Instead, it is as if you burn a dollar a day, dropping the ash into the toilet. You abuse it by not sharing it. You wont use it but you wont give it to others. Bastard.

Profitles userer why doost thou use
So great a summe of summes yet canst not live?

Profitless usurer = profitless prostitute

What is a profitless prostitute? How might a prostitute waste his talents on himself?

Oh, we are mad at you now. Profitless usurer! A moneylender! And you make no money! Remember money = sperm? A SPERMLENDER, with NO PROFIT FROM YOUR EXPENDITURES. You only lend your sperm to yourself (on yourself...see line one) and you use "so great a summe of summes," read, A LOT this way. Why do you waste so much of your sperm (which is worth twice its weight in gold, apparently) on YOURSELF??? Lets be clear:

Professional masturbator. Why do you masturbate
So much sperm on your self, yet use none for procreation?

For having traffike with thy selfe alone,
Thou of thy selfe thy sweet sellfe dost deceave,
Then how when nature calles thee to be gone,
What acceptable Audit canst thou leave?

So we know he is a professional masturbator, (i.e. Profitless usurer), trafficing (doing "business" with) himself alone. He is being sexual only with himself. Because he does this, he cheats himself because when nature takes him away (takes that inheritance away, that golden sperm), what can you leave behind in turn? He is a prostitute, employed as such. Yet only works with himself. Pays himself for his own sexual abilities. All his training, schooling, life experiences have made him the perfect sexual partner, and yet he uses his talents on himself. He traffics with himself alone. Spending his sperm/money in a cycle, never using it, and when Nature comes back to collect that which she lent him, he will have nothing to show.

Thy unus'd beauty must be tomb'd with thee,
Which used lives th' executor to be.

All that glorious, bountiful sperm will be tombed with you, it will be inside you when you die, unused. However, if you had used it, when you die, the sperm (which would have been your heir) would have been your executor, purveyor over your will, and been able to pass on these gifts so that they would continue on earth forever.

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